Performance Management

Performance Management

At Saaron, we help our clients improve their performance through effective management practices. We design and implement performance management systems that align with organizational goals and objectives and enable employees to reach their full potential.
Performance management includes :
Performance Metrics and Measurement : We develop performance metrics and measurement systems that enable our clients to track their progress toward their goals. We identify key performance indicators, establish benchmarks, and develop reporting systems that enable organizations to monitor and evaluate their performance.
Performance Appraisal formulation : We design and implement performance appraisal systems that enable our clients to evaluate employee performance and identify areas for improvement. Working with experienced HR facilitators we develop and customize appraisal processes developed that are fair, objective, and consistent, and provide feedback and coaching to employees to help them achieve their full potential. In case of SMEs, the vision of the stakeholders have to be implemented with precision to ensure an overall harmonious operation of every business.
Goal Setting and Alignment : We assist in the setting and aligning of organizational and individual goals. Be it Sales, Marketing, Finance or Operations, goal-setting processes helps enable our client’s personnel to align their work with organizational goals, and establish performance objectives that are challenging, yet achievable. Periodic evaluation of the plans and reporting form an integral part of this function.
Performance Improvement Plans : We work with the organization and identify performance improvement plans that enable employees to improve their performance be it identifying training and development needs while aligning them to meet organizational goals.

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